Horizon Europe Projects

Horizon Europe is the European Union’s main funding program, dedicated to research and innovation. It tackles climate change, helps to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and boosts the EU’s competitiveness and growth.
Enertime is granted for two R&D projects, to develop and optimize its innovative designs for ORC technology and High Temperature Heat Pumps. These projects will investigate implementation of these technologies in different industrial use cases.
Enertime, together with a consortium consisting of 14 academic industrial members, proposes a demonstration project using ORC technology. The project demonstrates an innovative ORC-based WHR system, using enhanced capture designs and disruptive turbomachinery for specifically designed for an iron & steel plant, located in Czech Republic. This innovative ORC-WHR system uses hermetic turbogenerator design, running on innovative active magnetic bearings for increased compacity, higher availability and safety and cost reduction with near-zero maintenance. The project will also provide advanced monitoring using innovative probes, IOT and machine learning algorithms for real-time efficiency improvement.
Within the scope of this project, other significant industrial sectors (aluminum, cement, oil & gas, glass, LNG and cogeneration) will also be evaluated in terms of potential market and transposability at the European scale. New financing and business models will also be investigated, supporting long term operations of the erected assets, coping with long-lasting and resilient industrial processes. The use of the ESCO model to contract, finance and operate energy efficiency facilities will be part of the Project. This would prepare the required basis for future operation of the facility by a specialized company. Lastly, diffusion of good practices all over Europe using our European partners and their relevant stakeholders in the consortium to coordinate with regional energy agencies.

As part of the EU’s strategies towards decarbonization of the industries, the recovery and upgrade of the process heat holds a special importance. Despite the availability of different heat upgrade technologies, they are not widely deployed, reaching their full potential.
PUSH2HEAT aims to overcome the technical and non-technical implementation barriers these technologies. It pushes forward the market potential and develops relevant business models for heat upgrade technologies for full-scale demonstration of different heat upgrade systems in relevant industrial sectors. Four different heat upgrade technologies will be scaled-up, with their optimized efficiency and economic performance. They will be demonstrated in selected industrial demo-sites, supplying temperature in the range 90-160ºC. The project also demonstrates suitable business models and dedicated exploitation roadmaps for a higher penetration of heat upgrade systems, by engaging the relevant European stakeholders.


The production of renewable energy, in particular solar energy, is intermittent and does not allow to supply an electrical network in a stable and continuous way. The batteries that are increasingly deployed for this purpose essentially stabilize the grid, but do not allow at a realistic cost and size, to store enough electricity ensuring a 100% continuous supply of renewable energy. STOLECT's storage system helps solving most of these problems.
The turbomachinery developed by Enertime for this application is a combination of turbines / centrifugal compressors directly coupled with high-speed electrical machines. The turbomachinery uses a nickel-based superalloy base and reinforced with additive manufacturing methods to withstand high working temperatures while supporting high centrifugal stress.
Multipurpose Hydrogen Compressor
With the desire to decarbonize tomorrow’s world, Enertime intends to be a part of the key technological turning point; Hydrogen. This new in-demand fuel is only awaiting the removal of the final obstacle to it development at a global scale: Its storage form.
The objective of the HYRECO project is to design the compressor, to validate its operation and performance on a test bench and to test different technological solutions. It will be followed by a second step of realization of an industrial scale unit which will be integrated in a partner’s hydrogen station, to be initiated from 2022.
Therefore, we are working on the development of an innovative high-pressure compression technology, which will be the centerpiece of tomorrow's vehicle recharging stations.